Health Vibes - Learn to relax your mind or go crazy like animals asleep in the trees
Health Vibes - Learn to relax your mind or go crazy like animals asleep in the trees

Health Vibes - Relax Your Mind or Go Cuckoo Clock Crazy

Learn to relax your mind for a better happy & healthy. If you can't get your mind calmed down, you'll go cuckoo clock crazy. A relaxed mind also improves your physical & emotional health. Practice relaxing anytime, anywhere, and every day. A relaxed & happy mind will get you closer to being your best you.

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Mental Health is Linked to Everything

It's critical to relax our mind for mental health, so we don't end up going cuckoo clock crazy. We're mad of 3 parts: our body, our soul which is the mind & emotions, and our spirit. If one part is suffering, the rest will suffer. The opposite is also true, if one is doing well, the other 2 parts will improve.

If you're stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, and anxious - your mind & emotions known as your mental health will start to deteriorate. And that's when the cuckoo crazy starts happening. Soon after, your body will also start experiencing health issues. If both your mind & body are suffering, your spirit will begin to feel crushed almost as if your life's essence is being sucked out.

When you get cuckoo clock crazy to the point of needing medication, that's not good.....and it's also harmful. Learning to relax your mind takes a little practice. Remember, nothing happens overnight.

Whatever techniques are enjoyable for you - practice 1 - 2 of them every day. Keep at it and you WILL notice a difference. FYI: If you feel nothing is working: please talk with a mental health professional.

  1. A relaxed, happy, and healthy mind is less affected by stress & feels more fulfilled.

  2. The mind has better focus & is able to make better decisions.

  3. It can receive new information without getting stressed or frustrated.

  4. A relaxed mind is more creative. optimistic, and self-confident.

  5. Relaxing your mind helps lower anxiety, anger, frustration, and the harmful effects of cortisol, the stress hormone.

  6. The mind can slow the high intensity brain waves that keep us from thinking clearly.

  7. The mind is in a better mood, has more energy, and productivity is increased.

  8. A stressed, frantic & worried mind can lower your life expectancy.

  9. A relaxed mind keeps your body stay in a state of peacefulness, which gives you more self-control to remain calm in difficult situations.

  10. The mind remains flexible to change, doesn't get over emotional, and trusts in it's own decision making judgments.

Relax - Health for the Body

  1. This is key: a relaxed mind will help relax the body.

  2. A relaxed body has a slower heart rate, not the rapid rate that gives you jittery feelings.

  3. Slow, deep breathing will relax your entire being.

  4. A relaxed body can lower blood pressure.

  5. The body has less muscle tension, inflammation, and pain.

  6. A relaxed body has better digestion.

  7. Blood sugar levels become more balanced.

  8. A relaxed body has Increased blood flow to the muscles.

  9. Your body can sleep better.

  10. A relaxed body improves overall health & wellness.

Relax Your Mind or Go Crazy

Relax - Health for the Mind

Health Vibes - relax with a good book beside your furry friend has lots of health benefits
Health Vibes - relax with a good book beside your furry friend has lots of health benefits


When you feel stress/anxiety creeping in, go somewhere quiet & visualize one of your happy places. Think of a place and activity that's really calming. As you visualize, remember what that place feels like, smells like, and sounds like. Obviously, physically going there is better, but visualizing is the next best thing.

One of my happy places is sitting at the beach, or base of a waterfall. Listening to the rhythmic sounds of the waves rolling in or the constant flow water splashing into a pool is very calming for me, especially the mind. Second, the sun's warmth works further by relaxing your body. And third, adding slow breathing should help you melt like butter.

Health Vibes - stretching releases body tension & relaxes your mind
Health Vibes - stretching releases body tension & relaxes your mind


You can incorporate deep breathing with other exercises for a deeper relax. Try the 4-2-6 method breathing in thru the nose & out thru the mouth. Inhale slowly for 4 seconds, filling your rib cage & belly with oxygen. Hold your breath for 2 seconds. Now exhale slowly for 6 seconds.

This helps your mind stop racing & slow down, usually followed by a slower heart rate. If you don't like this breathing method - google other breathing exercises. This really works, and you can do it ANYWHERE.

Muscle Tension

Stress, sitting all day, or not stretching after physical activity can leave your muscles tense. Lay down somewhere quiet. Begin by focusing on your toes & tense them for 5 seconds, then release. Tense the calves, and release. Work your way up to the jaw. Don't forget to breathe slowly - see below.

With a little practice, you'll learn to recognize a "tensed" feeling vs. a "relaxed" one. When you feel yourself tensing, breath slowly for a few minutes in a quiet place and that should do the trick. If it's from exercise - always stretch right after. Then reward yourself like I do and go for an occasional massage - see below.

Massage Therapy

There are 4 types of massage, plus foot reflexology that are super beneficial for your health.

  • Swedish Massage - gentle & soothing. Helps release stress & muscle tension while improving relaxation & circulation.

  • Hot Stone Message - successful at reducing stress & promoting relaxation. Hot stones provide healing benefits while relieving tension.

  • Aromatherapy Massage - adds the powerful punch of essential oils which have therapeutic & healing properties like reducing stress/anxiety & pain, and promoting relaxation & better sleep, etc.

  • Deep Tissue Massage - effective at stress relief & relaxation. It goes deep into the tissue/muscle to release tension and knots, and is great for chronic pain or tension. FYI: some say they don't like the the depth & hard pressure.

  • Foot reflexology - I've found this to be a targeted therapy because specific points on the foot correlate to different body parts/organs. It's very relaxing and helps with internal tension & discomfort in the body. It's AMAZING.

Learn to Relax Your Mind

Meditation & Prayer

Meditation & prayer slow your brain waves down - especially for over-active minds. It also lowers stress & inflammation, reduces muscle tension, improves breathing & sleep quality, and gives you a sense of calm & well being. I pray every day and it's restorative, giving me inner peace & empowerment to tackle life's obstacles. The Lord is my power source. Pray to your source.

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place. Think about your happy place and begin focusing on slowing your breathing. Has your heart rate also slowed?

  2. Now bring up any negative or stressful feelings you have? Acknowledge them rather than trying to suppress them. Tell yourself, my ____ stress can no longer control me.

  3. If your thoughts wander off, bring your focus back to breathing. Next, release the negative thoughts & stress to your higher power.

  4. Be thankful that you have just gotten rid of the negative thought & stress problem.

  5. Now, ask God to give you peace, a relaxed mind & cheerful heart.

  6. Next, think of something else you're grateful for. Today I was grateful for the strength to exercise.

  7. P.S. If someone is a source of stress, think about talking with them. I'm learning to pray & be kind to them. They might be suffering from their own difficulties and could really use a smile & some kindness.

Yoga or Tai chi

These 2 practices incorporate breath with movement and because they don't cause stress on the bones/joints like running, it's great for all age levels. Both Yoga & Tai Chi benefit whole being. Here's what you'll experience:

  • Increased balance, flexibility, strength, range of motion, reflexes, mental focus, mood, and overall quality of life.

  • Decreased stress/depression, pain & inflammation, illness, and blood pressure.

Once a week - I do yoga in between my other workouts, and I feel all of the above benefits. My weight lifting works on major muscles, but yoga goes deeper & works on both the primary muscles + the important auxiliary muscles that support & stabilize the major ones. Yoga is more intense because all muscles get worked.

Yoga also emphasizes balance & range of motion which super helpful as we get older. It also calms the mind as you focus on holding a pose & breathing. Better still - you can do it ANYWHERE, just grab a yoga mat.

Health Vibes - Yoga is like a form of meditation & calms the mind
Health Vibes - Yoga is like a form of meditation & calms the mind
Health Vibes - yoga uses breath with movement, great health benefits for mind & body
Health Vibes - yoga uses breath with movement, great health benefits for mind & body

Oh look....a cat doing "downward dog".


You can incorporate deep breathing into several other exercises for a deeper relax. As mentioned in "Message Therapy" above, essential oils have therapeutic & healing properties like reducing stress/anxiety & improving sleep. Essential oils can be used to heal a very long list of health issues. One method is to put a diffuser in your office or on your night stand to breath in these healing oils.

Or, apply it to the skin. Mix 4 drops of therapeutic grade essential oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. The best carrier oils are 100% pure fractionated liquid Coconut oil or 100% pure Jojoba oil. After mixing, apply a couple drops to the inside of each wrist & rub in. Under the big toes also works very well.

FYI: Wash your hands after so you don't get oils in your eye. For serious health issues, I recommend seeing a medical professional.

Health Vibes - hot water therapy is good for the muscles & releases endorphins to lift your mood
Health Vibes - hot water therapy is good for the muscles & releases endorphins to lift your mood
Health Vibes - aromatherapy uses essential oils & plants to heal your mind & body
Health Vibes - aromatherapy uses essential oils & plants to heal your mind & body

Hot Water Therapy

A hot bath, soak in a jacuzzi/hot tub, or lounging in a mineral hot springs will do amazing wonders for mind & body. Studies have shown that soaking in hot water have provided pain relief, more stable blood sugar levels, and lower blood pressure. Hot water also enlarges your blood vessels improving circulation which relieves sore, tight muscles.

And, since the happy hormone endorphins are released, your mood is mush happier. See: Make Happy Hormones. You could also add essential oils for aromatherapy in the bath for extra relaxing benefits.

Aromatherapy For Healing

Essential oils are amazing. Several oils are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. Some oils are nature's antibiotics.

I started a Natural Cures Journal over 12 years ago which has proven that essential oils & tinctures made from plants, herbs, roots, trees, and flowers have healing power.

My Experiences - I've used essential oils for almost 15 years and I've healed many health problems - no doctors or RX medications. I decreased shingles pain & healed it, balanced hormones from early pre/menopause, decreased pain & inflammation, got rid of nausea & a stomach virus, healed ear & throat infections, cleared nasal congestion, reversed teeth/gum disease, reduced allergic reactions to bug stings, boosted my immunity, and more.

Get Outdoors

Get outdoors - take your dog for a walk and go to the beach or a waterfall. See why walking is so healthy: Walk to Live. Once there, have a sit & focus on the rhythmic and calming sounds of the water. Look towards the sun and enjoy it's warmth. Think happy thoughts. Breathe.


If you'd like an A.M./P.M. boost, practice stretching with breathing. Slowly inhale. As you slowly exhale, start stretching a major muscle. Inhale again & as you exhale stretch a little deeper & repeat a couple more times. Now hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and breath in thru the nose, out thru the mouth. Yoga stretches are great for releasing stress & tension. If you feel any pain, you're stretching too far. It takes time to get flexible.

Read a Book

Sink into a lounge chair on the back patio with your favorite beverage & let the sun warm your bones. As you focus on reading the book, your mind will calm itself.

Health Vibes - hobbies & arts like painting can also be very relaxing for the mind
Health Vibes - hobbies & arts like painting can also be very relaxing for the mind

Hobbies & the Arts

Music, art, gardening, cooking - any activity that is calming & enjoyable for you will help relax & de-stress you. Hobbies and different art forms will also improve mental focus, strength, and quality of sleep. Some also help with social skills, memory, reducing pain, and feelings of satisfaction. Who knew?

Curl Up On the Sofa

Curl up on the sofa for an entertaining rest. With your dog/pet on your lap, watch an inspirational & action-packed movie. As your mind gets wrapped up in the story - it will forget about the stress of the day and calms itself. If you have a diffuser, you could add aromatherapy for an added relax. are great for releasing stress & tension. If you feel any pain, you're stretching too far. It takes time to get flexible.

It's Not Living if You're Cuckoo Crazy

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