Health & Travel Vibes

Health & Travel - funnies to make you laugh
Health & Travel - funnies to make you laugh
Health & Travel - funnies, "it's like hocus pocus, I'm brokus"
Health & Travel - funnies, "it's like hocus pocus, I'm brokus"
Health & Travel - funnies, "Caution, dog can't hold its licker"
Health & Travel - funnies, "Caution, dog can't hold its licker"

Balance = activity, a calm mind, rest, laughter.

Live on Laughter Lane - it's medicine for health & happiness.

Be a Better You: Happier & Healthier.

Physical & Mental Health

Physical & mental health are directly proportional - if one improves, so does the other. The opposite is also true - if one gets worse, so does the other.

  • If your primary struggle is with physical health, possibly from a sedentary lifestyle or recovering from a long injury - prioritize physical health first. See my blog: What is Always With You.

  • If your primary struggle is with mental health, like the destructive nature of stress - prioritize mental health first. See: Learn to Combat Stress and Learn to Relax Your Mind.

  • Heal from the inside-out: whenever possible use natural remedies for mind & body health. Also heal from the outside-in: dive into life like a child, indulge once in awhile, and spend time outdoors. See my blog: Walk to Live.

  • Turn your inabilities into possibilities.

Health & Travel - funnies to boost your health
Health & Travel - funnies to boost your health
Health & Travel - more funnies to make you laugh
Health & Travel - more funnies to make you laugh
Health & Travel - a squirrel flying at you saying, "and just like that...Poof...weekend gone".
Health & Travel - a squirrel flying at you saying, "and just like that...Poof...weekend gone".

Vacation Travel

You need to get away from the everyday blahs & stress. Take lots of mini-retreats plus one long vacation every year. Mini-retreats can be your own creation lasting from 1 hour up to a long weekend of 4 days. Mini-retreats & vacations help heal mind, body, and soul.

For example: use your lunch hour & take an hour in the evening for yourself. On your days off, drive somewhere in your city for an afternoon or within a few hours away. We all need daily booster shots of health infusing activity - a combination of physical & relaxing.

Healthy Living

Next, incorporate these practices. Include laughter in your life daily. Have fun outside doing activities you love & that are beneficial for overall health, and get at least 20 minutes of sun daily. If not, take liquid Vitamin D drops.

Choose natural remedies like herbs, essential oils, and foods to heal your body. Eat more whole foods, not processed or junk foods. You don't have to be a health CRAZED NUT JOB - but could you shoot for being healthier 5 days/week.

Scary Health Statistics

The USA National Institutes of Health's nationwide surveys of adults ages 20-74 years, show that obesity has tripled over the last 60 years, while severe/morbid obesity has increased by 10 times. That should be a wake up call to parents & adults. Look at these 2021 findings.

  • 1960-1962 = 13% obesity in adults 20-74.

  • 2017-2018 = 43% obesity.

  • 1960-1962 = no data for children 2-19 years.

  • 2017-2018 = 16% overweight, 19% obese, 6% severely obese.

  • 1980 = 7% obesity ages 6-11. 5% ages 12-19.

  • 2012 = 18% obesity ages 6-11. 21% ages 12-19.

Is Your Lifestyle Healthy?

There are many reasons for declining health in the USA, and here's a few big ones. Did you know that restaurants have increased the portion sizes by 4 times since the 1950's. And as technology improves, equipment has replaced outdoor labor so more people are sitting in offices. Less exercise doesn't burn off more food. Even our dinner plates have increased from 9.6 inches to 11.8 inches.

What about the decrease in whole foods and the increase in quick, processed meals - filled with sugars, fillers, chemicals and preservatives. It's the sugars & fillers that keep you addicted & craving more. Let's not forget the products & fillers that are pumped with all kinds of chemicals, pesticides, and growth hormones. In fact, some products aren't even the "real" thing anymore. Some products are manufactured by chemical companies.... How is that healthy?

We can't forget about the advances in technology and the "Smart" devices, like cell phones. But are they really smart? They keep children & adults addicted to social media, games, and other online attractions for HOURS..... EVERY day. That means the body is in sedentary slug mode. It's NOT healthy....and NOT smart. Not to mention that blue light emissions are detrimental to health & quality of sleep.

black and red cherries on white bowl
black and red cherries on white bowl
baked pepperoni pizza with French fries
baked pepperoni pizza with French fries



Here's an interesting fact: people in western states have lower obesity rates and people in mid-west & southern states have higher obesity rates. Almost 70% of adults in the USA are classified as overweight or obese. Here's what the Centers for Disease Control CDC says about child obesity:


FYI: In today's society, many say that being "big is beautiful". Yes, I agree that all people have beauty. I care about you so I'm sharing the truth - being overweight by as little as 20 pounds is unhealthy, especially for the heart and blood pressure.

Daily Inspiration

  • If you never dare to adventure, you could miss the most life changing & wonderful experience.

  • Jobs fill your pockets, adventures fill your soul.

  • Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.

  • Remember to smile - it will brighten somebody's day.

Blog Contests

  • Rules of Contest = Read my blogs & look for this: * Win a prize = ........?

  • Be the first to email a correct answer & usually a photo, and send you 1 of 2 prize options.

  • Winner's first name & state/country will be listed.

Fish in a bowl, #1 fish says to #2 fish, no use whistling, I can see the bubbles coming out ur butt
Fish in a bowl, #1 fish says to #2 fish, no use whistling, I can see the bubbles coming out ur butt

I just did a week's worth of cardio right after walking into a spider web!

Hmmm, should I stretch now?

Blog Winners - Who's Next?

Congratulations to the Winner:

Shiloh in California, USA

Date of Award: December 2024

Health & Travel - A snaccident is eating an entire pizza & box of chocolates by mistake!
Health & Travel - A snaccident is eating an entire pizza & box of chocolates by mistake!
assorted-color hot air balloons during daytime