Health Vibes- Horses are special friends that help heal
Health Vibes- Horses are special friends that help heal

Health Vibes - Horses are Special Friends that Help Heal

Horses qualify as service animals, so find a horse to be your next best friend. Most of us are weighed down by stress & life's to-do's. Spend time with a horse & feel yourself start healing and your mind empty out. Get your joy & possibilities back. Riding also helps you feel stronger, confident, and more free.

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Horses are Friends that Help Heal

Health Vibes - horses can heal stress, a common human problem
Health Vibes - horses can heal stress, a common human problem

Horses Healing Since Ancient Times

Did you know that horses were partnered with humans for therapy & healing, written about by Hippocrates the ancient Greek physician between 460-375 B.C.? That's over 2,400 years ago. It's also noted in the 1600's that physicians utilized horse therapy to help heal both physical & mental illnesses.

You don't need to have a trained equine therapist to gain the benefits of having a horse as your special friend. Just having a trusting relationship with them, talking to them, and brushing & walking them. If you also like riding horses, it will provide you with more health benefits. I can personally testify to this truth thru my own experiences.

In modern times, miniature horses have been added as a recognized service animal by the Americans With Disabilities Act. Mini's as they're called, are included because horses are very intelligent & intuitive animals, and they're close in size to large dogs and can easily get around inside a home or public place.

A Common Human Problem

FYI: These survey statistics in the USA over the past several years are SCARY --- 83% of working adults report experiencing stress at their workplace. In 2023, 1 out of 5 people have taken time off from work due to poor mental health from stress. In 2020, 49% say that work stress has affected their behavior in a negative way. And a whopping 76% say they don't get good sleep because of work stress.

Stress was my big problem when I first started volunteering at a therapeutic horse facility. I chose this non-profit horse facility because I love horses, dogs, and other adorable animals. But, I continue to go for a couple reasons other than helping others. One of those reasons is.... I'm grateful for the healing I've received from my special horse friends.

My horse friends are Mercedes, to the right. And that's Rio in the next section below on the left & further down on the right is Midnight.

Health Vibes - Horses have similar behaviors as humans and they're very intelligent
Health Vibes - Horses have similar behaviors as humans and they're very intelligent

Horses & Human Behaviors Alike

  • Horses can be great problem solvers. Give them opportunities to solve problems and watch them think, instead of training them to do everything. They also learn very quickly.

  • Horses are great communicators - using body language, vocalization, and facial expressions. They can read small movements or changes in body language. They're also able to read facial expressions.

  • Horses can feel - and understand - our feelings & emotions including anger, anxiety, or sadness.

  • Horses are intuitive and want to comfort those who are emotionally hurt, or be protective of those who are physically hurt, young, or disabled.

  • Horses adapt quickly and can adjust their style of communication depending on the person/horse or situation.

  • Horses are a prey animal in the wild and therefore are concerned with survival & safety. This is why they need to learn, problem solve, and adapt quickly. They also need to communicate efficiently using small ear movements, body language, a slight head movement, or vocalization. On occasion, one horse will send a loud & clear message - a swift kick with their hind legs - towards another horse.

  • Since horses do have similar social behaviors as humans, especially in areas like interacting & responding to others, it's easy for us to connect with them. You may see them mimicking your movements or feelings. This non-judgmental form of communication will put you at ease & help you realize that horses can understand your feelings. They're great listeners & companions.

  • As humans, we need to be sensitive to what the horse is trying to communicate with us. Remember that each horse is different and better at some things than others. And unless you raised them from a foal, each horse has had to live thru different experiences whether good or bad.

Horses Heal Body, Mind & Emotions

FYI: If you don't want riding lessons, ask about volunteering. You don't need to ride to experience healing. If you need therapeutic riding or non-riding lessons for a diagnosed condition, there are programs that help with costs at least in the USA.

  1. Besides receiving healing for health conditions in your body, mind, or emotions, there are other benefits you receive just by brushing & walking your horse friend.

  2. You're upper & lower body muscles are getting worked, as well as your balance & mobility.

  3. A horse with a funny personality will provide you with entertain, and happy smiles & laughter is always great medicine.

Health Vibes - horses heal body, mind, and emotions
Health Vibes - horses heal body, mind, and emotions
  1. You can connect with a family (herd) community, and be outdoors to enjoy nature's benefits.

  2. Being with a horse keeps you in the moment, which is calming and stress reducing.

  3. They make good companions, and as you talk with them and get to know them you can feel your troubles melting away and your confidence growing.

If you spend consistent time with your horse friend, you'll begin to feel lighter & happier. It's one of the best ways to hit the "refresh & recharge" button. That's a Win-Win in my book.

Therapeutic healing that horses provide: Improved physical strength, cognitive/mental functions, emotional health, confidence, independence, social skills, communication, trust, perspective, impulse control, and learning boundaries.

Health Vibes - Children can benefit greatly by therapy horses
Health Vibes - Children can benefit greatly by therapy horses
Anxiety, Stress, Depression

Stress is a leading health concern around the world due to a variety of causes. Anxiety however, develops from past experiences and/or future fears. It can be paralyzing & cause depression. Horses really help stress/anxiety conditions by calming your nervous system.

Mental Health & Behavioral Disorders

PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, ADHD-Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, autism, eating disorders, substance abuse, and others.

Horses are comforting, consistent, calming, and keep us focused on the present moment. Both horse & human can nurture each other.

Non-Riding Options

Interactions like brushing & walking also provide you with many health benefits.

Other Health Conditions

Cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injury, head injury, arthritis, etc.

Health Vibes - Therapeutic horse riding, a student led by a teacher
Health Vibes - Therapeutic horse riding, a student led by a teacher

Health Conditions Horses Help Heal

Health Vibes - Therapeutic riding lesson to improve physical, mental, and emotional health
Health Vibes - Therapeutic riding lesson to improve physical, mental, and emotional health
Health Vibes - miniature mini-horses recognized as service animals
Health Vibes - miniature mini-horses recognized as service animals
Trust & Social Skills

Since horses are very intuitive, they're in-tune with your mood. If you're genuine with them, they'll respond and start to trust you. As you also begin to trust them, a true friendship is born. Horses provide unconditional love just like dogs. They don't judge our flaws or mistakes, but instead offer support and companionship. This allows humans to overcome past traumas, and those who are socially shy to build the confidence to interact socially and make new friends.

Children & Dependent Older Adults

Reading out loud to animals improves sharing & social skills. It also lessens behavioral problems & anxiety since animals are non-judgmental. They're a companion who just listens supportively. For aging adults - horses offer a purpose so the person feels needed again. Providing care for a horse like brushing also helps treat arthritis and encourages social connections.

Our special miniature friends. The brown/white mini has 1 blue eye.

Photo's below are from therapy classes.

Bottom Line: Horses Help Heal

  • If having a pet doesn't fit into your daily schedule - no worries. Find a friend who has horses or dogs. Riding facilities, ranches & animal shelters are great options to volunteer with.

  • Weekly visits will bring about healing, happier moods, and less stress. You'll experience improvements in body, mind, and emotional wellness.

  • Did you know that mini horses are also recognized as a "Service Animal" according to the American's with Disability Act? Horses like dogs are very intelligent with the amazing ability to read & understand your emotions.

  • Plan your next health-infusing mini-retreat by spending time with a horse friend. It'll do wonders for your entire being.

  • I mean..... after learning all this, how could you not want a horse for a friend?

Health Vibes - A therapy horse is learning about mushrooms
Health Vibes - A therapy horse is learning about mushrooms