Health Vibes - Make Happy Hormones & Get Your Happy Back
Yes, you can get your happy back. Just make more happy hormones. Learn how you can boost each of the 4 happy hormones: dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin. All the activities that you enjoy can make happy hormones - put a smile on your face and a skip in your step for a fresh, new you.
What are Happy Hormones?
Hormones are chemicals produced by your body and then carried by the bloodstream to your muscles, skin, organs and tissues. They're important to our health because they send signals to various internal processes, and give us a sense of wellbeing. Happy hormones are also known as "feel good" hormones - they improve mood, positive feelings, happiness, and pleasure.
Happy hormones are usually produced by natural methods, with very few people needing supplements. Be careful as some supplements can cause unwanted side effects, from headaches to vomiting or worse. There's 4 happy hormones and you might recognize some of them: dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin.
If you want to get your HAPPY back - learn how to make happy hormones.
Get Happy - Make Happy Hormones
Hormone: Dopamine
Dopamine is the pleasure hormone. It's related to feelings of pleasure, and learning about something or a memory of something that you enjoy. It can also get you excited and motivated about something.
Your body release dopamine during certain events: picking out a new puppy, buying those fabulous shoes, smelling an enticing perfume on someone, having a piece of chocolate cake, or making love, etc.
Dopamine also reinforces our desire of that pleasurable thing, and makes us want more. Sometimes this desire for more becomes intense. Like in the case of people who have drug, alcohol, or food addictions. There's many other internal functions that dopamine helps regulate including mood, sleep, pain, mobility, heart rate, kidneys, etc.
Foods That Boost Dopamine
The following foods according to research can help produce dopamine: chicken, poultry, fish, beef, dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt, avocadoes, bananas, eggs, beans, nuts, green tea, probiotics, and less saturated fats.
Hormone: Serotonin
Serotonin is mostly known for keeping depression away by giving you a sense of joy & happiness. When you just feel happy, you're feeling the serotonin hormone doing it's job. It also helps to improve your mood, digestion, sleep, memory, and ability to learn.
Serotonin can also effect other behaviors like your stress response by giving you a sense of calm. Low serotonin level will increase feelings of fear & anxiety, whereas higher levels will decrease the desire to feed an addiction.
Foods That Boost Serotonin
Foods with high levels of tryptophan can help produce serotonin - however, we're not able to convert tryptophan to serotonin very well. Tryptophan foods: turkey, salmon, eggs, cheese, tofu, and nuts & seeds. Since it's difficult to make serotonin from food, stick to: Activities to Make Happy Hormones below.
Hormone: Oxytocin
Oxytocin is also called the love hormone because one of it's primary purposes is to assist with childbirth, and includes the resulting breast feeding and the bond that develops between mother & child.
Oxytocin is related to physical affection as well - increasing as we fill with excitement about a special relationship. This hormone increases especially during the act of falling in love and making love. It also produces positive feelings, empathy for others, and promotes trust bonds. It can also decrease stress & anxiety, promoting an overall sense of mental wellness.
Foods That Boost Oxytocin
The following foods can help produce oxytocin: salmon, tuna, eggs, dark chocolate, berries, bananas, avocadoes, almonds, broccoli, spinach, cherries, figs, yogurt, and milk.
Hormone: Endorphins
When you experience stress, discomfort, or pain - your body releases painkillers. Endorphins are the painkillers that also give you feelings of overall wellbeing. Have you heard of the runner's high? It's the direct correlation of more moderate intensity exercise with the release of endorphins.
Endorphins may also be produced during activities that act like a reward system which include: eating delicious food, having sex, shopping for a treasured item, or exercising.
Foods That Boost Endorphins
The following foods can help produce endorphins: salmon, fish, eggs, dark chocolate, berries, avocadoes, leafy greens, asparagus, bell peppers, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, water, etc.
Exercise - DOES
Personally, I both love - and need - to exercise because it gives me the strength to do more things, it keeps me healthier and more energized, it boosts my confidence and levels of satisfaction..... all of which make me happy. If the word "exercise" scares you - just think of having fun while moving your body. Taking a brisk walk in nature is an easy way to boost hormone production.
As long as you get your heart rate up with moderate intensity exercise, you're pumping out those happy hormones. It's a double win: happy & healthy. See my blog: What's Healthier Than a Gym? and Walk to Live a Better Life.
Fun Activities - DOES
Probably the best "fun activity" is a theme park - take a thrilling ride that get's your heart pumping followed by uncontrollable giggles & whoo-hoo's - that's a double dose of happy. Basically, any activity you enjoy can boost your happy hormones, like catching a fish, painting, playing outdoors with your kids, having a floaty down river, or riding a horse on the beach. The list is long of all the fun things you could do to get your happy back.
Activities to Make Happy Hormones
Happy Hormone Legend: D=Dopamine, O=Oxytocin, E=Endorphin, S=Serotonin.
Each activity will show the letter of the hormone produced by doing that activity: D, O, E, S.
Dancing - DOES
Don't by shy, let loose and enjoy yourself even if people are watching. If you love dancing like I do - it'll get your happy back real quick. And presto - you've got your happy back. Move your body to the beat to make more endorphins, and, if you're dancing with a partner your dopamine & oxytocin are increased making it even more pleasurable. It also reduces stress - another double win.
Massage - DOES
Who doesn't like a nice massage or foot reflexology? They're fantastic for your whole being - with the added bonus of relaxing your mind & releasing tension all over. Studies show that a good massage can produce all 4 of the happy hormones. Since feet are the gateway to the rest of the body, it's a serious relax & happy health boost.
Want more oxytocin (the happy a.k.a. love hormone - then have your partner add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil scent into 4 tablespoons of organic fractionated 100% coconut oil. Then, let him massage you until you melt like butter.
How do you get your happy back? It's simple, make happy hormones. Lucky for us, most of these activities that help your body produce more of these hormones are fun....and they'll truly make you happy.
Pet/Play with Pets - DOES
Whatever pet you have - except for maybe fish - they can brighten your day just by petting & playing with them. Just by loving on your dog will boost oxytocin for both you and your dog. Even if you're not the owner, play with and love on your friends dog. Pet's also help because they reduce our stress levels, and can make us laugh - again, another double win.
Get Your Happy Back - Do These Activities
Attraction to Others - DOE
The act of being attracted to someone, or kissing, holding hands, cuddling, and making love can make lots of happy hormones. Even spending time with a best friend can help boost your happy.
Next time you're with your bestie, give her a playful peck on the check and laugh together. Guys, give some love to your best friend and then stand back and pound your chest like a goofball. Yep, your manliness is still intact. Married couples - go plant a sexy kiss on your spouse for those ooh-la-la happy feelings. Talk about dopamine.... making you want more, more, more.
Vacations - DOS
Studies have proven that vacations improve our physical, emotional, and mental health. So, it's no surprise that during short or long vacations our bodies are pumping out more happy hormones. Just being outdoors in the sun gives us an extra health boost. Check out: Vacations are a Health Bomb.
Eating Chocolate - DES
I don't have to tell me twice! I love me a good piece of dark, healthy, hormone boosting chocolate at least once a week. They don't call it a guilty "pleasure" for nothing. Dark chocolate should be at least 70%.
Music - DES
Listening to music that resonates with you, can boost your mood. But, to really get the happy hormones pumping, just sing along....sing out loud, like nobody's listening. Once your mood is lifted, serotonin production goes up.
One study revealed that choir members increased endorphins during their rehearsal. Listening to instrumental music that brings chills to your body will seriously increase your dopamine levels. That's a little odd - but I'll take it.
Laughing - DES
A good heart-felt laugh is a natural medicine for overall well being. After a really good laugh, our mental health can go from sad, stressed, and dreary to YES, I feel more relaxed, content, and happy. Laughter is like a fairy godmother: she waves her wand, and then "POOF" - just like that, you're happy. Laugh a little: Kids are a Barrel of Laughs.
Plus, laughter is infectious so you can easily catch it, or be a blessing and brighten someone else's day. If I need a good howl - watch Jeff Dunham, a Ventriloquist with characters like Peanut, Bubba-J, and Achmed. They'll have you in stiches.
Cooking & Eating - DES
Cooking I've been told can be relaxing & fulfilling if you love creating great food for others to enjoy. For me, cooking was just another chore in a long list so I never learned to slow down and enjoy it. But, even if cooking isn't your favorite thing to do - I'll bet you $100 that you enjoy eating what you cooked. Happy hormones, here they come!
Gardening - DES
I've always had indoor plants around the house with some potted flowers on my back deck. The last couple years, I decided to try growing a few things: lettuce, strawberries, and tomatoes. I did find it to be calming and satisfying as I picked the ripe ones and mixed up a salad. That's an extra boost of dopamine.
Prayer & Meditation - DS
Meditating & praying help us to relax, and get this - it can increase our pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction by 67%. That's dopamine on overdrive. WOW, I need a prayer break..... be back in 10. Once you've learned to make happy hormones, you also need prayer & meditation: 12 Stress Kickin' Habits.
OK, that was amazing! One thing you need to do during meditation - release any negative thoughts, frustrations, and stress. Now contemplate something you're grateful for. Breathe slowly & deeply during meditation and prayer, and let your mind relax. That's it.... how do you feel now?
Sleep - ES
If you're not getting 7-9 hours of good sleep, your hormones get out of balance. Dopamine especially becomes scarce. So what does this mean? Your mood & physical health starts to decline. Over time, your health has plummeted.
I've experienced this, and it's awful. You wake up already feeling stressed - like you just went to bed a couple hours ago. And, you're dreading the day. Read my blog to learn a few tricks: Lack of Sleep Makes us Looney Tunes.
Sunshine - S
Vitamin sunshine (D3) has several health benefits, and a little goes a long way. To get the best happy hormone boost do most of your fun activities outside. Some of those fun activities may get your heart rate up for 30 or more minutes, so are considered exercise. Sunshine is UV (ultraviolet) light and it releases endorphins into the skin. How awesome is that? You just need 15-20 minutes of sunshine a few times a week. If you're out in the sun longer - don't forget sunscreen.