Health Vibes - How do pets improve your life, especially dogs
Health Vibes - How do pets improve your life, especially dogs

Health Vibes - How do Pets Improve Your Life?

Dogs & horses are recognized as therapeutic & healing animals for mind & body. Other pets and favorite farm animals can also help with companionship, comfort, and emotional support. Add fun physical activity with your pet to double the benefits. fish aren't good cuddle buddies!

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How Do Pets Improve Your Life

  1. Dogs & other animals can really love you. You'll get double lovin' if you have treats! They don't judge - they love unconditionally.

  2. Animals with a goofy personality can provide hours of entertainment. As you laugh out loud or ooh & aah - the warm-fuzzies will infuse your being and the stress melts away.

  3. Having the worst day ever? Dogs & horses are sensitive to your hurt & sad feelings as well as painful injuries you might be suffering from. They'll want to comfort you. Other animals are happy to cuddle too, even big farm animals.

Health Vibes - any pet like a llama that you love and can walk with bring many health benefits
Health Vibes - any pet like a llama that you love and can walk with bring many health benefits

Pets Improve Your Life & Health

  1. Pets sometimes like to "show off". When they go all out spastic & take a tumble, they'll glance your way as if to say "I did that on purpose". And presto: you're now in a happier mood.

  2. Need a hiking partner? Your dog is at the front door waiting before you can grab his leash. Don't have a dog - no worries. I've seen people walk goats, mini-pigs, and donkeys.

  3. If you're pet can't really walk - no worries. Tuck him/her into a backpack so you both can enjoy some fresh air.

  1. If you're too exhausted by Friday night to walk - there's an easy remedy. Give your dog a peanut butter treat & he'll happily snuggle on the couch for a movie night.

  2. If your pet is too big for the house, you still have an option. Take your laptop & a blankie to the barn and lay down with your De-llama, Delilah.

Photo left: Benny was another rescue, and he was the best. He loved to go walking and explore with me, especially at the beach. In the winter, he loved to snuggle. I'd catch him taking a nap after he'd wiggled himself under the covers. And, he thought my pillow was community property! He passed in 2023 after living a full & happy 18 years. I miss him most of all.

Photo below left: My little Mindy. I rescued her when she was 10 and learned she came from a puppy mill. She was the momma, making babies litter after litter which weakened her body. But once she realized she was going to be loved, she had the best time of her little doggie life.

She was so sweet, but poor thing only had 1 tooth left so her tongue was usually out. Dang girl - how did all that tongue fit inside your mouth?

Health Vibes - My dog Benny is a great entertainer, comforter, and snuggler
Health Vibes - My dog Benny is a great entertainer, comforter, and snuggler
Health Vibes - My dog Mindy was a rescue with 1 tooth, always her tongue always made me laugh
Health Vibes - My dog Mindy was a rescue with 1 tooth, always her tongue always made me laugh
Health Vibes - Even horses have a funny bone & will make you laugh, look at the tongue
Health Vibes - Even horses have a funny bone & will make you laugh, look at the tongue

These 2 got the same memo: it's stick out your tongue Tuesday. LOL.

Pets - any animal or bird that you can develop a relationship with is beneficial to your life and health. Especially a relationship where you can touch, cuddle with, and play with will help improve your mental, physical, and emotional health. Let's learn how.

Health Vibes - Pets are great companions, reduce loneliness & lift moods
Health Vibes - Pets are great companions, reduce loneliness & lift moods

Pets Improve Mental & Emotional Health

Pets Reduce Stress

Pets can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Petting, playing, or snuggling with your furry or feathered friend can decrease your cortisol levels - the stress hormone. It's also proven that we feel calmer & safer with our pets. Find out ways to relax & reduce stress: Relax Your Min or Go Cuckoo.

Increase Happy Hormones

Pets will increase the happy hormones: dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. Oxytocin is also known as the love hormone - it's produced as you experience a loving relationship (with pets or people), and with hugs, kisses, holding hands, and snuggles.

Reduce Loneliness

Pets are great companions so you won't feel alone, and less lonely. They're also a great tool to help you meet other people while you're out for a walk.

Lift Your Mood

Pets are great mood lifters. When they sense you're almost home, they'll run to the door in total anticipation. As soon as you open the door, they'll starting talking to you as if to say - I'm missed you so much, what took you so long to get home? Doesn't that just make you smile? Their personalities like making funny verbalizations or performing entertaining antics can make you literally laugh out loud.

Build Confidence & Socialization Skills

With unconditional love given by pets - we're able to lessen feelings of failure, low self-esteem, and stress. Therefore, we experience a budding sense of confidence. And a little confidence can build more confidence. When you go out walking or to a dog park, dogs make great ice-breakers for conversations with other people. FYI: Socialize your dog early in their life so you're able to enjoy interactions with other dog owners.

Provide a Purpose

Pets give you purpose, to care for them. They become our "child" and we feel part of a family (even when our human family is not nearby), they make us feel needed, wanted, and loved. And, you feel a sense of satisfaction by being a good care giver to them.

Provide Comfort & Emotional Support

Pets have a sense of when you're sad, hurt, afraid, or anxious. More sensitive animals will instinctively react and try to comfort you by laying their head on you or curling up in your lap. They are non-judgmental and never offer bad advice. They just listen and show you how much you are loved.

Pets Boost Overall Fitness

Pets that are mobile like horses, goats, dogs, etc. give you the perfect opportunity - and maybe the nudge you need - to get outside and go for a long, enjoyable walk. Being in the sun & the outdoors is beneficial, and so is walking, and so is being with your pet. That's a triple Win, Win, and Win.

Improves Physical Health

Having fun outdoors with your pet will strengthen bones & muscles, and tighten your core muscles. It will also improve your balance. Walking your pet or riding a horse are beneficial for the whole body. More ways for better physical health: What's Always With You & Healthier Than a Gym?

Improves Heart Health

Being active with your pet enough to get your heart rate up will decrease the chance of getting heart disease, like heart attacks or stroke. What improves heart health: Combat Stress, Avoid Heart Disease.

Health Vibes - A horse gives a hug with his head, comforting & lifting your mood
Health Vibes - A horse gives a hug with his head, comforting & lifting your mood

Pets Improve Physical Health

Boost Immunity

Studies have shown that pets do help boost our immune system. Petting them exposes us to more bacteria which helps our own system to build immunity against it. Since pets reduce our stress levels, that in turn improves our immunity. Also, pet owners can even develop more antibodies that fight infection. Young children also benefit in that they have less chance of developing allergies.

Lower Blood Pressure

Any kind of fun, outdoor activity with your pet will help you lower blood pressure and increase the good cholesterol. When your beloved pet is cuddling with you or staring into your soul with those loving eyes, your body releases oxytocin, the happy a.k.a. love hormone. This lowers stress and your blood pressure.

Mental Reboot

Playing with your pet & enjoying those loving moments will give your mind a reboot. A mind that stays calm & relaxed is a happier mind, and a much healthier mind.

Weight Management

Studies show that dog owners who get out and walk their dogs regularly are able to maintain a healthier weight than non-dog owners. Dog owners also have more stable blood sugar levels, and tend to eat healthier than non-dog owners. I've seen other people walking goats, horses, and donkeys so don't fret if you don't own a dog.

If you're a cat person, or love teddy bear hamsters or reptiles - ah, GROSS - get a pet carrier or backpack so both of you can get outside for fresh air and a walk.


People who own pets, especially dogs, are more likely to get out and walk. And one of the best anti-aging practices we can do is to get outside and move your body. Keeping your body strong, flexible, and mobile is the best thing for it. FYI: If you don't want to own a pet, then find a friend(s) and get outside and move your body. It's more fun with a buddy.