Health Vibes - Danger, Contains Toxic Ingredients. What to Do?
Danger, contains toxic ingredients. That's what the label should say on most medications, processed foods, body care products, and cosmetics. Learn what the toxic & cancer causing ingredients are. To save your life: learn what to do & choose healthier options.
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Warning: Don't use foods, plants, herbs, or supplements in any of it's forms if you are allergic, or if you take medication or have a health condition that could react badly with it. Check with your doctor before using any plants, herbs, or supplements. Certain plants in any of it's forms are toxic to pets and farm animals. Talk to your veterinarian.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. My recommendations are based on research I've done & my own healing successes. I do not recommend you completely avoid doctors or prescription medications. I believe, for non-serious illness or injury, it's healthier to find healing from foods, plants, and herbs if you understand the ingredients.
This is not a complete list, but should include the most commonly used toxic & harmful ingredients.
Danger, Contains Toxic Ingredients
Toxic & Harmful Products
Because I care about your health & happiness, I'm hoping you'll educate yourself....and don't worry - I'll give you tips so you'll know what to do. Toxic & harmful in this blog includes anything applied to your skin and absorbed, taken by mouth, or inserted by needle. It includes: food & drink, medication, supplements, body care products, and cosmetics.
All industries have become profit focused - rather than health & safety minded. Here's 2 facts that aren't well known: The food industry creates addictive & unhealthy foods so you'll crave it and therefore, buy more and more. The profitable pharmaceutical companies give incentives to medical personnel to use their products. These medications don't heal the condition, they just relieve the symptoms - so again, you have to keep buying more.
The primary reason many USA companies use toxic chemicals & fillers - they're cheaper to make. Second, chemicals will achieve better results than natural ingredients. OUTRAGEOUS. Learn what to do to keep yourself free from highly toxic ingredients. See the section: What to Do? Don't Settle for Toxic.
Profit Over Health & Safety
Did you know the FDA, Food & Drug Administration (USA) only regulates 78% of food products - excluding some meat, poultry, eggs, all packaged foods less than 12 square inches, coffee, tea, spices. They also regulate drugs (human & veterinarian), vitamins, supplements, cosmetics, tobacco.
We know food, supplement, body care, and cosmetic manufacturers are more concerned with profit, not safety. Otherwise they wouldn't add toxic fillers to make it appear like we're getting more product, and they wouldn't add toxic chemicals just because they're cheaper.
Unknown facts: many products don't need an ingredient list or need FDA approval. This includes some cosmetics, body care products, supplements & household cleaners. So manufacturers decide what's safe enough. WAIT...WHAT?
The FDA also doesn't have time to monitor everything they regulate. They will investigate if there's reports of fraud or serious health issues. They're also looking into the connection of destructive behavior in children due to food product ingredients.
What to Do?
Here's what to do: take control of your heath, and don't settle for toxic.
Read the ingredients for products applied on the body or taken by mouth. If the ingredients aren't listed - don't buy it. The learning curve is a little steep at first but it's 200% worth it. Once you know the healthier brands, shopping will be a breeze.
Learn how to read ingredients. The ingredients are listed with the main ingredients first, and you should be able to understand them. Then you'll get to the chemical looking words = most likely there's toxic stuff. Long lists = more toxic, short lists = zero to little toxic ingredients.
Don't forget to read: other ingredients in supplements/vitamins, and inactive ingredients in medicine.
Take a copy of my list before you go shopping. Food: Toxic Ingredients. Body Care/Cosmetics: Toxic. Medication: Toxic
What to Do? Don't Settle for Toxic!
Try organic. Many organic prices are the same or slightly higher as non-organic. At least buy organic with the foods you eat most often. If you want to know how safe you'll be with organic - scroll to the next section under Buy Organic. Look for the USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture certified organic seal - food, body/personal care, and cosmetics.
Look at Clean Label Project - They test baby & pet products, food/drink, personal care, cleaning, and fitness. They have various certifications & awards for pure & clean products.
Look at EWG, Environmental Work Group. They gather data from USDA & FDA and compile lists of non-organic products that contain the most pesticides. They also test water, personal care & household products.
Look at USP, United States Pharmacopeia and NSF, National Sanitation Foundation. They test supplements & medications. Look for their seal on approved products.
Wash your produce to get rid of pesticides & chemical washes. Scroll to the next section under How to Remove Toxins.
If you don't buy fresh, your next safest option is frozen. Canned produce can be dangerous.
Food & Supplements
How to Remove Toxins from Produce
Wash produce - you won't be able to remove 100% of pesticides or chemicals, but up to 90% can be washed off. It'll also get rid of dirt & germs. Most of the washing information is per the National Pesticide Information Center.
Wash your hands with soap before & after handling fruits & vegetables.
Rinse product with clean, running water, turning it to get all sides rinsed clean. The FDA says soaps, vinegar, or cleansers aren't more effective than rinsing with water.
Firm produce - scrub with a soft bristle brush as you rinse, going over cracks & pits. Then do a final rinse.
Soft produce - gently rub soft produce like tomatoes with your fingers as you rinse. Then do a final rinse.
Fragile fruits - put fruits like grapes in a colander and gently spray, turn the produce to rinse all sides.
Peeling produce - even if you're going to peel the produce like oranges, rinse it thoroughly before peeling.
Lettuce & cabbage - remove the outer leaves and throw out.
First, it's total insanity in the fried food & processed food market, whether it's frozen food, boxed food, condiments, cereals, processed meats, etc. Meats & poultry are also harmful because of the hormones & antibiotic treatments the animals receive, plus the pesticide covered foods they eat. Did you know - we eat everything put into their body?
Cooking or Blanching - you'll remove more toxins by washing the produce before cooking or blanching. Cooking - this will remove some pesticide residue, but it also removes some nutrients. Steaming, grilling, roasting, stir-frying, and lastly microwaving loose the least amount of nutrients compared to boiling.
Blanching - chemicals & pesticides are easily removed in this boiling process with about 10% - 20% nutrient loss.
Buy Organic
Not only is organic free from pesticides & herbicides, they're also free from other chemicals & toxic fertilizers. All products with an organic label must have at least 95% of it's ingredients certified as organic. Products "made with" organic ingredients must be at least 70% organic. The exception is for any added water & salt. The 5% of non-organic ingredients must be from a list of approved ingredients established by the USDA, United States Department of Agriculture.
Products that receive the USDA organic seal must follow strict guidelines & go thru a certification process. The USDA does not allow: pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics or other drugs, toxic chemicals, chemical fertilizers, sewage sludge fertilizers, irradiation, or genetically engineered or GMO's, genetically modified organisms.
Fish & seafood are also harmful. Look at wild-caught salmon vs. farm raised. Wild caught has less cancer risk & less dioxin & mercury risk than farm raised, but overall toxic pollution in our oceans is on the rise.
Farm raised salmon adds antibiotics & dyes that are harmful. Besides the constant toxic pollutants in the water, farm salmon don't eat shrimp & insects, they eat grain & fishmeal. WebMD says: 75% of what we consume is from farms.
Many whole foods are also toxic because of the pesticides & herbicides. Here's a surprising fact - many fruits & vegetables are coated with toxic chemicals & preservatives to make them last longer, to make them ripen faster like bananas, and to look shinier & darker in color.
INSANITY. See Toxic & Cancer Causing Ingredients for food.
Did you know pesticides have caused birth defects, miscarriages and developmental problems in children per the CDC, Centers for Disease Control. Other health issues include: death, blindness, various cancers, DNA mutations, Alzheimer's Disease & Parkinson's disease, ADHD, neurological damage (brain, spinal cord, nerves), endocrine damage (hormones & body parts they support), and more.
Supplements & Vitamins
Many supplements contain: dangerous toxins like pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, bacteria, banned substances & prescription medication. HOW is that allowed? It's no surprise that 20% of liver injury in the USA is caused by herbal supplements. Click here: Clean Label Project.
Say NO to toxic supplements. TALK with your doctor about the ingredients, your medications & medical conditions prior to taking vitamins or supplements. Follow dosage instructions. So many supplements today have higher amounts of the key9 ingredient than what's needed per day, by gender & age.
To the uneducated person - it looks like products with higher amounts must be better. NOT true - this causes harmful reactions. I'm a witness: I was taking an iodine kelp supplement to help my thyroid. After a few months, I started having issues. The iodine was almost twice what was needed. My fault for not checking the amount of iodine a body needs per day and what foods naturally have iodine that I might be consuming.
It's interesting that Harvard Health Publishing said that supplements are a waste of time & money. They're of course referring to people who eat a fairly healthy diet and likely getting the vitamins & minerals they need. The exceptions are for very common deficiencies like Vitamin D from lack of sunshine, and Vitamin B6 and B12 for people with digestive health conditions, older adults and possibly vegan dieters.
2024 EWG's Dirty Dozen (most toxic)
Strawberry, spinach, kale & collard green, grape, peach, pear, nectarine, apple, bell & hot pepper, cherry, blueberry & green bean. 90% of the fruits & vegetables tested had 2 or more pesticides. 75% of all non-organic produce and 95% of produce on the Dirty Dozen – is coated with pesticides.
2024 EWG's Clean Fifteen (most clean)
Avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, onion, papaya, frozen sweet pea, asparagus, honey dew melon, kiwi, cabbage, mushroom, mango, sweet potato, watermelon, carrot. Of the Clean 15 - 65% tested had zero pesticides and only 10% had 2 or more pesticides.
Produce Tested for Pesticides
The EWG, Environment Working Group is a nonprofit that helps us make healthier choices. EWG analyzes data collected by the USDA & FDA and lists the NON-organic produce with the most & least pesticides every year.
Did you know that many illnesses can be cured or significantly decreased by simply eating certain foods? This includes whole foods (vegetables & fruits), healthy grains & fats, free-range chemical free meats & dairy and certain fish/seafood.
Supplements Tested
First, read the ingredients - are there any toxic or harmful ingredients? Next, look if it's been tested and certified by a third party. There will be a USP, or other 3rd party certification seal if it's been tested and approved according to GMP (good manufacturing standards).
USP is a trusted non-profit that tests for quality, safety, and purity of supplements & medications, look for their seal of approval. NSF also has a seal and tests for banned ingredients, contaminants, and other harmful ingredients.
Products tested: baby & pet foods, food/drink, personal care, cleaning, fitness. Look at Clean Label Project.
Products tested: food/water, personal care, household. Look at EWG, Environmental Work Group.
Products tested: supplements & medication. Look at USP, United States Pharmacopeia.
Prescription Medicine
Prescriptions don't help your mind think happy thoughts or heal the problem except for antibiotics and maybe a couple others. In fact, most prescription medications help keep the symptoms to a minimum, and carry serious health risks. Example: a friend of mine takes high blood pressure medication which will never heal her. She changed a few habits to help it remain lower and now only takes half the chemicals. Did you know - some medications even require a second one to counteract the side affects of the first one.
Over the past 20 years, I've personally seen an increase in people taking medications. In a few cases, I've seen people with gallon-sized bags full of medication. Despite all those pills - they were still unhappy, unhealthy, and always struggling. I've also witnessed results after long term use, like liver failure and cancer. FYI: It's the same for pets, so please be careful of doses and long-term medication. Research natural cures & talk to your doctor or veterinarian.
In my opinion, I think most people believe in our health system & will follow the traditional path to the doctor's office, swallowing whatever pills are prescribed without asking questions. The strategy of pharmaceutical companies is to keep you dependent on their medication for as long as you live. OUTRAGEOUS x 3.
Over-the-Counter Medicine
Over-the-counter medicine is also generally designed to provide some relief from the symptom. However, it's mostly a band-aid and won't help you cure the problem. Examples of these are cold medicines, heartburn & stomach medicines, and others.
First, read the ingredients - are there any toxic or harmful ingredients? Next, look if it's been tested and certified by a third party. There will be a USP, or other 3rd party certification seal if it's been tested and approved according to GMP (good manufacturing standards). USP is a trusted non-profit that tests for quality, safety, and purity of supplements & medications. NSF also has a seal testing for banned ingredients, contaminants, and other harmful ingredients.
Body care products and cosmetics are manufactured with toxic ingredients because it's more cost effective to make and, specific results can be achieved better than natural ingredients. it worth the potential for cancer or other serious health condition?....that would be a NO. Some body care products are not required to list ingredients. OUTRAGEOUS x 2.
Cosmetic products are at least required to list their ingredients. And the good news is - more manufacturers are turning to less toxic and more healthy. Costs for the healthier options are similar or slightly higher in what I've seen. See a list of toxic ingredients: See Toxic & Cancer Causing Ingredients for body care & cosmetic products.
For products that don't contain Palm/Palmate Oil - see: Ethical Consumer. Also see: DEVASTATION to Wildlife, Forests & indigenous people due to the growing Palm Oil business.
Body Care & Cosmetics
Questions to Ask Before Taking Medication
Ask your doctor or pharmacist these questions before taking prescription or over-the-counter medications: Is this a curable condition? Can it be cured or controlled using foods & other natural remedies? What are the side effects? What internal systems will be damaged? What organs will be damaged? Will it kill the good bacteria in your digestive system? What are the long-term risks?
Products tested: baby & pet foods, food/drink, personal care, cleaning, fitness. Look at Clean Label Project.
Products tested: food/water, personal care, household. Look at EWG, Environmental Work Group.
Products tested: supplements & medication. Look at USP, United States Pharmacopeia.
Food & Packaging
Acetaldehyde - found in alcoholic beverages.
Aflatoxins - a fungus that contaminates certain crops.
Aristolochic acid - the Aristolochia plant including wild ginger which grow worldwide are added to herbs. Ground berries, honey, leaves, and roots from the plant are cancer causing.
Artificial - anything artificial, like additives & flavoring.
Artificial coloring - food coloring with a number like FD&C Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6. Banned in Europe.
Artificial sweeteners - aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, the FDA says it's safe in smaller quantities but studies show it can lead to cancer.
Benzene - can form from benzoate salts or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in beverages. The FDA is working on this.
Benzo[a]pyrene - found in grilled & smoked meats. The U.K. has serious restrictions on levels allowed.
BHA & BHT - butylated hydroxyanisole & butylated hydroxytoluene, preservative in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, banned in Europe.
Chemical washes - Copper sulfate, Rhodamine oxide, Malachite Green, Carbide & Calcium Carbide, helps ripen fast like bananas and mangoes, makes green veggies dark green or cherries deeper red, and helps them last longer.
Coumarin - found in common Cassia Cinnamon, and 2 others. Get the non-toxic Ceylon or "true" cinnamon.
Crisco shortening - used mostly in baking or frying and can lead to heart disease. Just like palm/palmate oils, it's destroying our forests, and putting wildlife & indigenous people in danger.
Ethylene oxide - found in infant formula, dried fruits & dairy, food additives, and sesame seeds. Banned in Europe & the U.K.
Toxic & Cancer Causing Ingredients
Formaldehyde - a preservative found in several fruits, vegetables, milk, meats, poultry, alcohol, and other products.
Heavy metals - arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, and zinc. Choose fish with lower levels of mercury like salmon, pollock, herring, and catfish.
Hexane - stated as "natural" soy foods including some "organic" like Clif Bars. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency says it's hazardous.
Hydrogenated Oils - these are chemically altered vegetable oils. Even though the FDA considers them safe in small quantities, they are still unhealthy and full of saturated fats, sugars, and salt. I refuse to buy Palm/Palmate oil: this growing business is devastating huge forests, endangering wildlife & indigenous people forcing them from their homes & food source. Look at the Devastation.
Nitrites & Nitrates - used to preserve processed meat like hot dogs & deli meats.
PAH, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - environmental pollutants caused by smoking/grilling meat at high temps, also found in processed meats.
Petroleum Oil Treatment - rubbed on some vegetables like tomatoes to give them a shiny coat.
PG, Propyl Gallate or Propylene Glycol - prevents foods, cosmetics, body products from going rancid. It opens pores & allows other chemicals to get in your body. Banned in some countries.
Phthalates & BPA Bisphenol A - in plastic packaging that can leach into food & drinks, also includes the lining inside metal cans like canned tomatoes.
Potassium benzoate - in carbonated drinks, dairy, sweets, processed foods. If the product gets warm or is exposed to UV light, it can have a reaction & form benzene which is cancer causing.
Potassium Bromate - additive in flour and dough, banned in Europe.
Protein powders - a 2022 report on protein powders by Clean Label Project screened 134 products & found that many contained heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury), BPA bisphenol-A (used to make plastic), pesticides, and other contaminants leading to cancer & other health issues.
RBGH Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone - given to cows, banned in Europe.
Titanium Dioxide - generally considered safe by the FDA, but banned in Europe.
TTBHQ, Tertiary butylhydroquinone - a preservative in food, body care products, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
Foods to Avoid
Fast foods - high in unhealthy ingredients, resulting in serious health concerns to cancer causing.
GM & GMO products - genetically modified or genetically modified organism products are usually made from GM corn. Most corn in the USA is GM corn, and considered high-risk by the Non-GMO Project non-profit.
Non-GMO Project says: The toxic herbicides like Roundup has increased 15 times since GMOs were made. GMO crops are responsible for new superweeds & superbugs which can only be killed with super toxic poisons like 2,4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange). GMOs are developed and sold by the world’s largest chemical companies. Long-term impacts are not yet known. Once these organisms are released into the environment, they can't be recalled.
Europe banned GM corn. 65 countries worldwide require GMO to be labeled, the USA requires a few.
Most GMO's are made to survive herbicide sprays.
Maltodextrin is likely from GM. Almost all Ascorbic Acid labeled as Vitamin C is from GM. Get healthy Vitamin C from from Camu Camu fruit or Acerola Cherry.
Look for the Non-GMO product butterfly stamp on verified non-GMO products.
MSG, Monosodium glutimate - generally considered safe in moderate amounts.
Palm oil & Palm kernel oil - high in saturated fats leading to heart disease. Healthy oils are un-saturated.
Processed foods - high in unhealthy ingredients, resulting in serious health concerns including cancer.
Sodium benzoate - in carbonated drinks, processed foods & some canned items. The FDA says it's safe in moderate amounts.
Stevia - considered safe only if the steviol glycosides are very pure.
Sugar - words ending in "ose" are various types of sugar: glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, dextrose, and maltose.
White bread - has large amounts of unhealthy saturated fats & sugars and can lead to serious health concerns.
PSST.....when shopping, take these lists of toxic ingredients.
Ingredient labels start with the main ingredients which you can usually understand. When the words get all chemical looking - then it could be toxic. If there's a long list of ingredients = there's toxic stuff. The shorter the list, the more likely it's OK. Supplements/vitamins - don't forget the "Other Ingredients" on the label. In over-the-counter medicines - don't forget the "Inactive Ingredients".
Read all recognizable "red letter" words like artificial coloring a couple times - they should be easy to remember, then just check the chemical looking words. Once you know the brands to buy, shopping will be a breeze again.
Body Care Products
Alcohols - benzyl, ethanol, ethyl, isopropyl, methanol, SD alcohol. The higher the alcohol concentration, the more toxic. Never use 100% isopropyl alcohol.
Artificial color - used in hair dyes like D&C Red 27.
Artificial fragrance - words with ethyl, butyl, propyl. Also harms the environment. Artificial here means un-safe.
Benzalkonium chloride - found in body care products, soaps, and detergents.
BHA & BHT - Butylated hydroxyanisole & Butylated hydroxytoluene, used to extend shelf life, banned in Europe.
Coal tar (m- and o-phenylenediamine) - used in hair dyes, banned in other countries.
Crystalline silica - present in some body care products. Amorphous silica is generally considered safe.
DEA, Diethanolamine - found in foaming cleansers, body washes, and shampoos.
Ethylene Oxide - found in some body care products as well as vehicle exhaust & tobacco smoke.
Formaldehyde - a preservative in body care products, baby shampoo, cosmetics.
Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives - banned in other countries. Quaternium-15, methylene glycol, Paraformaldehyde, DMDM hydantoin, Imidazolidinyl urea, Diazolidinyl urea, Polyoxymethylene urea, Sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (bromopol), Glyoxal.
Heavy metals - aluminum or alum, arsenic, chromium, iron, lead, mercury, zinc found in sunscreens, moisturizers, whitening toothpaste, nail polish, cosmetics.
Hydrogenated Oils - these are chemically altered vegetable oils. The FDA considers them safe in small quantities, they're still unhealthy and full of salt, sugars, and saturated fats. I refuse to buy Palm/Palmate oil: this growing business is devastating huge forests, endangering wildlife & indigenous people forcing them from their homes & food source. Take a look: Devastation.
Hydroquinone - found in cleansers, moisturizers, skin bleaching/lightening.
Mineral oils - petrolatum, paraffin, microcrystalline wax, ceresin, ozokerite. Made from petroleum crude oil. Found in after shave, moisturizers, Vaseline, baby oil, antiperspirant & deodorant, etc.
Oxybenzone, Benzophene or Benzophenone - found in sunscreen.
Parabens (Isobutyl & Isopropyl) - words ending in -paraben, and parahydroxybenzoates or parahydroxybenzoic acid, found in soap, lotion, body wash & scubs, shampoo, toiletries & cosmetics.
PEG, Polyethylene glycol - sunscreen, lotion, shampoo.
PFAS, Perfluoroalkyl & Polyfluoroalkyl - found in moisturizers, nail polish, and cleansers.
PG, Propylene Glycol or Propyl Gallate - prevents products from going rancid. It opens the pores & allows other chemicals to enter the body - in larger quantity or continual use, it's toxic. Banned in some countries.
Phthalates (Dibutyl & Diethylhexyl) or Phthalic acid, and Bisphols - they're plasticizing found in perfume, nail polish, lotions, cosmetics.
PPD, P-phenylenediamine or Paraphenylenediamine - mostly black hair dye or black henna tattoos.
Propylene Glycol -
Siloxanes - in baby bubble bath, moisturizers, deodorants, hair conditioner, fragrance. If heated the fumes are toxic.
SLS or SLES, sodium laureth sulfate - baby bubble bath, baby lotions, baby shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, cleansers, hand soaps, bath bombs, etc. Made from Palm Oil.
Sulphates - found in shampoo, body wash, and shaving cream.
Talc - talcum baby powder, possibly contaminated with asbestos. The FDA in 2024 will investigate asbestos in talc cosmetics.
TBHQ, Tertiary butylhydroquinone - a preservative in food, body care products like moisturizers & colognes, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
Titanium Dioxide - generally considered safe by the FDA, but banned in Europe.
Toluene or Toluol - found in hair dyes, and nail treatments & polish.
Triclosan - found in toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shaving cream.
For a list of harmful, toxic, and cancer causing ingredients, see: Front Public Health, The Dark Side of Beauty...., Printed in the National Library of Medicine. See Table 1 right before Section 4.
Prescription Medication
Refer to NIOSH's 2024 list - provided by the CDC, Center for Disease Control, NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health. Table 1, Page 17 - 24 are toxic drugs. Table 2, Page 25 - 33 are hazardous drugs.
Toxic & Cancer Causing Ingredients
Over-the-Counter, OTC Medication
Read the label for side affects & warnings. The following are potential hazards of OTC, over-the-counter medicines.
Mis-use & over-use of OTC medicines can be harmful & toxic. Follow the directions & dosages as instructed.
Mixing OTC medicines with prescription medication.
Taking OTC medicines if you have certain medical conditions.
Some OTC medicines can react badly with older adults.
Avoid these OTC Medicines
Allergy medicines with pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, or oxymetazoline.
Antacids & Laxatives with sodium, like Alka-Seltzer.
Cold & Flu medicines with pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine, or oxymetazoline.
Diet pills & diet supplements.
Decongestants with pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, or phenylephrine.
Headache/pain NSAIDS medicines, like naproxen & ibuprofen.
DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - first used to make bombs, then fertilizer. Now it's a diet pill & sold online - can be deadly.